A modern programming
language that makes
developers happier.
Developed by JetBrains & Open-source Contributors
Try out the latest Kotlin features before they are released
fun main() { println("Hello World") }
雷神加速器安卓版下载-雷神加速器安卓版官方版下载-华军软件园:2021-5-16 · 华军小编推荐: 雷神加速器安卓版一个非常不错的软件,偷偷告诉你小编也是用的本软件,别人小编都不告诉的哦!功能强大,绿色安全。华军软件园还为您提供开罗游戏、qq音乐、wps等供您下载。
安卓雷霆加速器最新去广告破解版下载 - QQ前线乐园:2021-5-20 · 雷霆加速器,一款可以加速你的网络的神器,无论是加速外服游戏还是外网,速度都是杠杆的,本次分享的是破解版,直接加速,无需登录! 去除vip,免登录,去启动广告,去待机广告,绿色纯净版! 下载地址 2021-5-20 22:05:46测试软件已和谐,请使用其他软件。
Drastically reduce the amount of boilerplate code
Create a POJO with getters, setters, `equals()`, `hashCode()`, `toString()` and `copy()` in a single line:
data class Customer(val name: String, val email: String, val company: String)
// Or filter a list using a lambda expression:
val positiveNumbers = list.filter { it > 0 }
// Want a singleton? Create an object:
object ThisIsASingleton {
val companyName: String = "JetBrains"
Avoid entire classes of errors such as null pointer exceptions
Get rid of those pesky NullPointerExceptions, you know, The Billion Dollar Mistake
var output: String
output = null // Compilation error
// Kotlin protects you from mistakenly operating on nullable types
val name: String? = null // Nullable type
println(name.length()) // Compilation error
// And if you check a type is right, the compiler will auto-cast it for you
fun calculateTotal(obj: Any) {
if (obj is Invoice)
Leverage existing libraries for the JVM, Android, and the browser
蚂蚁加速器破解版永久安卓版下载_蚂蚁加速器app永久破解 ...:咖绿茵手游站提供蚂蚁加速器永久破解版下载 真正的免费加速器等着你来使用,快速的帮你发现国外好看的、好玩的软件和网站,了解国外的资讯和新闻,快点来陪我一起尝试吧。《蚂蚁加速器永久破解版》是一款非常免费的手机加速软件,一键帮你连接上国外的网络,安全稳定不掉线,感兴趣的 ...
// Target either the JVM or JavaScript. Write code in Kotlin and decide where you want to deploy to
import kotlin.browser.window
fun onLoad() {
window.document.body!!.innerHTML += "<br/>Hello, Kotlin!"
Choose any Java IDE or build from the command line
Bundled with both IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
腾讯网游加速器安卓版下载_腾讯网游加速器安卓版appv1.5.7 ...:2021-11-12 · 腾讯网游加速器安卓版是一款不错的游戏的加速应用,是您优质的游戏加速器选择哦,可对国内外众多的主流热门手游进行加速,而且是免费的使用哦。帮助你有效解决游戏延迟。快来下载试试吧。
Install the plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace
Use any editor and build from the command line
Build your first Kotlin app in your
favorite IDE